Lake Lure Massage

One block from the Flowering Bridge

Peace Starts Within

Relax and Re-Energize


Massage releases tension and stress so you feel better & stay better.  For deep relaxation request to add essential oils and/or hot stones in your massage session.

Services provided by North Carolina Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist


Ishvara Michelle Bliss, LMBT

Massage & Bodywork Therapist

NC 16493                 FL ma24305

Licensed in Massage Therapy 

Since 1997

Pain Reduction


Headaches, lowback pain, or some other issue... your pain will be addressed in your massage therapy session so you get the massage & bodywork you need.

Massage Modalities

Deep Tissue


Deep Tissue Massage reaches the deeper layers of the muscle tissue. It is used to reduce and relieve neuromuscular pain and tension.  Deep Tissue Massage incorporates advanced massage techniques that include working on acupressure points and applying static pressure on the muscle pain. Some areas of the body may be skipped or given less time in order to focus on areas that need more attention.  This massage is beneficial for athletes and those who sit for long periods of time. 




The goal of Swedish Massage is to melt away muscle tension and increase the blood flow to your heart. Swedish Massage is extremely therapeutic as it decreases muscle toxins, increases oxygen levels in the blood, and improves flexibility in the body.  The pressure in Swedish Massage depends on what you as the client request. It can vary from light to very firm and be adjusted throughout the massage with just a little bit of simple communication by you the client. 

Hot Stone


Hot Stone Massage is often paired with Swedish Massage. Smooth stones are heated and used with oils to soothe, warm, and massage your muscles.  Stones are also placed on chakra points on the body. Hot Stone Massage promotes and allows your body to go into a deeper state of relaxation releasing tension and stress. 

A full body Hot Stone Massage requires more time.

 90 minutes is suggested. 

Contact to Schedule a Massage

Appointment Request

Lake Lure Massage

2975 Memorial Highway Lake Lure, NC 28746

(828) 436-2525